Silent Auctions | an Effective Way to Raise Funds

Categories: Silent Auction

Fundraising events can be quite overwhelming. Most nonprofits create a volunteer committee for several aspects of the event. Usually the first task is procuring an event site; one that will accommodate the size of the expected attendance.  Also finding a venue that fits with the theme of your event. Then deciding on the menu, pricing the affair according to food and drinks offered. The committee will then create a timeline and individual duties will be assigned.

There are several ways to raise money at and before the event.  Often the first task is to acquire sponsors for the event. In some cases that means the sponsor’s would have their names and logos on t-shirts and banners. In other, high-end, dinner or lunch events it can be reserving a table with the donor’s name displayed in the centerpiece with the tables strategically placed near the stage or podium.

Raffle items are also a fun way to raise funds but requires the hard work of finding donors who will donate the prize to be raffled off.

An Effective Way to Raise Funds

The most entertaining and effective way to raise funds at an event is a live and silent auction.  Live auctions can be very entertaining at the right event. If you’re running a black tie dinner event, live auctions can become a fun game where friends try to outbid each other. However, live auctions are normally most effective if your attendees are well-to-do and enjoy helping a cause while essentially making themselves look good.

The one tried and true way to raise funds and create conversation pieces is silent auctions. Usually the preparation for this part of your event is extremely time-consuming and the nonprofit must rely on the generosity of businesses. It’s probably the most difficult part of planning a fundraiser.

The most popular items at silent auctions are sports, entertainment and military memorabilia. Procuring these items can be a full time job. But Socially Funded has become the game-changer in silent auctions. Socially Funded researches and procures items that fit the attendee’s interests, set up the entire auction (will even supply tables if necessary), man the event with knowledge of the precious items, tally bid sheets, break it all down and write the non-profit a check at the end of the evening! SF will also be happy to ‘blend” their items with those that have been donated by others. Bottom line: The entire process is done for the nonprofit, all they have to do is collect the money at the end of the event!

Fundraising made simple!